Thursday, April 6, 2017

Nick Hodges Book Bundle

Just wanted to give a shout out to an Excellent Delphi Dude, Nick Hodges, who has recently made available a bundle of his three recent and very well done Delphi books, in a single bundle.

I have actually only read two out of the three, but based on the quality of those, I can unhesitatingly recommend that you buy yourself  a copy of these three excellent resources for Delphi developers.

Nick's book bundle is on leanpub here.


  1. I love Nick's books, because he brings such an energy and passion to these topics, you feel they are personal to him. I like having both the ebook and pbook versions as I like to read the ebooks but use the pbooks when I am coding something. These books, along with Cary Jensen, Chris Rollison and,of course, Marco Cantu, put Delphi squarely in the 21st Century. Get them all, Delphi writers are not making a living doing this so they all are a labor of love!
    Neal Campbell
